Why do we need stanchions barrier system?

In a busy city like Melbourne, road accidents can happen at any moment. Unpredictable events occur on regular bases, some leading to vehicle and property damage or pedestrian and driver injuries.
Recently, an incident happened in front of the Royal Dental Hospital in a busy Lygon Street in Carlton. The famous street known for popular cafes and restaurants is always packed with students, tourists and locals alike. Besides this, it hosts many of the city’s busiest tram lines.
Being an action-packed street, incidents where road signs get run into, cars hitting into trams or similar are not a surprise. Stainless steel stanchions which are usually installed around tram stops as a barrier handrail system is one of the solutions that Australian Handrails offers.
Our stanchions would protect sensitive locations, and prevent possible collisions, as they are a system capable of withstanding significant force. Both drivers and pedestrians would benefit from the installed stanchions, as they would serve as a guidance for the drivers, warning them to slow down in particular areas.
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